News Page - latest items will be posted here, along with updates on our socials, to visit the sites please click on the logo's below
Facebook Page
Our public Facebook page is changing, the committee have decided that it needs a refresh and it will be linked to a new instragram page too, look out for the new one coming soon!
Christmas Party and Awards
Wow - what a night. Lots of fun and some very well deserved awards handed out! See the Facebook page for photos and some videos of the "silent disco".
AGM 2024
It's that time of the year again. Club AGM 19.00 at the Life Centre, the room at the top of the stairs. See you all there!
Swim - Tuesday 5th Session
Please be aware that the Life Centre are working on the middle pool (where we swim) and the depth MAY BE set at 1.0m we won't know until we turn up. Please be aware of this in case of tumble turn!
Thank you to all who turned up for the AGM, the Committee felt it was a great success and look forward to 2024. Thank you to the out going Committee members for all of your hard work.
There will be udpates to the Committee and Coaches pages coming soon, so please look out for them as we introduce some new faces.
Book the date in 27th November 19.30 - 21.00 at the Life Centre (meeting room upstairs). FREE tickets avaiable to book on Team App!
Club Kit will be available to buy at a great discounted rate! (except hoodies and bobble hats :( )
Looking to contact the tri club, then see the email addresses below
Open Water Swim Session
We are pleased to announce that we have secured the opportunity to have a coached open water swim session with Ace Swimming, this will be on Saturday 1st July 10.00. To book onto the session head over to the Team App to reserve your space.
Ace Swimming Website - here
Triathlon Elite Swimmers!
May Bank Holiday - did you see the 'Elite' Triathlon swimmers at Tinside over this weekend? Check out the photo at the bottom of the page :)
New Website and address
Your here so you have found it :), welcome to the new site, have a look around and let us know what you think.
Updates from the Club of what we are doing and/or items of interest that you need to know about.
Please note swim times have changed – apart from Saturdays.
Check the Swim page under the training button.
PTC – Cycling Time Trials – are BACK!!!
Dates are as below, for more information please see the TT page – click here to view
***Please note*** there maybe changes to the course used throughout the season.
May – 3rd
June – 7th
July – 5th
August – 2nd
September – 6th
Enter the Tavistock Triathlon to take part in the club championships 2023. With a range of races there is something to suit all abilities and the chance to pick up some extra prizes. We will be adding some categories to include everyone, so even if you don’t win your age group you could still win something.
This is a chance to get together as a club and show the other local clubs what we can do….
Enter before the 28th February to get 20% off – PLYMTRI20
Did you know that you can purchase club kit through the team app and the PTC Tri Store – either open your app and look for the Tri Store page or click here for desktop version
JAN 2023 – Coaches First Aid –
You will be happy to know that you are in safe hands! Recently 11 coaches updated their First Aid training with a full day at the Mount Batten Centre. The provider was Pat from Kernow Training who gave a fun, very informative and friendly course.
If you have any training requirements then please check his courses out at Kernow Training
ParkRun takeover
Saturday 7th January saw many club members give back to the Park Run in Central Park, we like to help others enjoy sport too!
Nice Bobble Hats!